The other day I was trying to determine how I can listen to audiobooks at a faster rate of speed rather than the standard playback. Over the past year, I've been listening to a large number of books on my commute, and recently wondered how I could get through them faster.
I noticed when listening to podcasts, you have the option of playing the items faster, and began searching for iPhone and iTunes tips for doing the same for Books on CD. Here's the process:
iPhone Tips
- Using iTunes, import the tracks from each CD of the audiobook
- Create a new playlist and add the imported tracks to the playlist
- Select the playlist and then select all of the listed tracks
- Right click on the selected list and select Get Info
- In the Options tab, change the Media Kind to Audiobook
This will create a new object in the Books portion of your Library. When you sync iTunes and your listening device, be sure you are syncing the Books. Being able to play audio at double speed in iTunes is a great way to spend less time listening to audiobooks on your commutes.
Well, this made my life awesome. Thanks!