
Credit Cards Are Bad!

I believe that I am in a very small demographic that has never carried a balance on a credit card.  My father taught me that cash is king and debt is bad.  I took this to heart at a young age and have been fortunate enough to never wavered from my father’s teaching.   Of course I have a mortgage and I do have a car loan from time to time.  My last car loan was for a 2010 Subaru Legacy at 1.9% and we put half down and paid the balance off in 3 years.  I think the total interest paid was just over $400.  That seemed like a reasonable amount of interest to me and my bride.   I truly believe that I have lived at a higher standard of living than other people in my income bracket because I have stayed out of debt.  I have been unexpectedly unemployed twice in the last ten years and have never been hurt financially because I didn’t have several minimum monthly payments on credit cards to worry about.  All of that being said, I do have two credit cards, an American Express and a Visa.  Next week I will tell you how I use these two cards and a change that I am considering making to my current strategy.

1 comment:

  1. Well i imagine theres one very financially smart one in every group, ur prob ours.... Not that the others aren't. I will go ahead and be the most financially unsmart one by starting with a 30 yr mortgage instead of the highly recommended 15. I will say our two cars are paid off, but we do have two credit cards with some balance on them.


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