
Flu Season

Well, it looks like flu season for 2012 is upon us already. We had an episode of late night vomiting on Friday night, which inevitably let to a Saturday morning carpet cleaning excursion. Additionally, I gave my kids the I think I'm may throw up checklist knowing that we'd likely see the rest of them succumbing to stomach flu.

Vomit Checkist

  1. Get out of bed
  2. Run to the toilet
  3. At least get to the sink
  4. All else, get off the carpet
Just for a quick clarification, we had an incident where one knew they weren't going to make it to the toilet, so they just stopped.  Cleaning up vomit on the carpet at 2:00AM, really makes no one's day.  So, if you can't make it to the toilet, or the sink, at least get to the bathroom since it is much easier to clean up.

Our house didn't do too bad, because our kids are a bit older, but the other day I was doing some yard work and overheard one neighbor stating to another "Tommy just puked down the stairs."  That's rough.

Stay well this cold and flu season.


  1. That brings up the question, "Will you and your family being receiving the flu shot this year?".
    I work at a hospital and they are pushing everyone to get a "free" shot.

  2. My clinic pushes the free shots as well, if our clinic gets a 100% compliance we get a prize!!! :-D. Yaaaay.... When I was in the service I had no choice to not receive one and got sick every year, fairly close after getting the shot. After I got out of the military I vowed to never get one again, which I complied with until the last few years- my clinic pushes them hard. I never had an issue when I didn't get a flu shot.


Let's hear what you think.